The first time I saw brag tags, I was in love. I loved the idea of giving out these little slips of paper and the kids could proudly display them. Then, the realization sunk in of the amount of time and work it would take to make them for my class. It was way too much for me. So, I got an idea of how to make this happen, only way easier!
Brag tag stickers were born! I quickly ordered the Avery labels from Amazon and set out to create a product that was effective and easy to use.
Kids love getting brag tag stickers. They put them in their notebook, on their shirts or in their Brag Tag Sticker Booklet. They love showing them off to their friends and parents. Of course parents love seeing their child come home with brag tag stickers.
There are brag tag stickers for holidays and special school days. Hand out a sticker when a student loses a tooth. Everyone gets a sticker for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day and many other holidays.
The motivational and school behaviors brag tag stickers are effective! These are great to encourage students to follow your classroom rules and expectations. Have these ready for back to school, after a break, and especially when you have a substitute teacher. Students are motivated to earn these!
Brag tag stickers are easy to make and use. They are loved by students and parents. Brag tags stickers are a great way to keep your kids motivated and on the right track.
Here is an amazing video that explains everything.
This product will save you endless hours of prep. No more hours spent at the laminator. No. more sore arms from using the paper cutter endlessly. No more sore hands from all that hole punching. Ugh!
With these BRAG Tag Stickers , you get the all the advantages and benefits of a great reward/motivation system without all the work. You may even be able to sit and enjoy your lunch during your lunch break.
Grab these great brag tag stickers by clicking the picture below.
Happy Sticking!